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Moving at God’s command, in 1941 the late Elder Anderson (Big A) Douglas founded the Douglas Tabernacle Primitive Baptist Church in Huntsville, Alabama. A space was rented in an old garage (called a “pigeon house”) on University Drive.


Brother Tom Alexander suggested that the church be named “Douglas Tabernacle” after the founder, Elder Anderson Douglas.”  Elder Jackson Holman of Saint Bartley Primitive Baptist Church preached the first sermon in the old garage. Our beginnings were humble yet inspiring.   


In 1942 Dr. Brooks gave the first $100.00 toward the constructing of a church building. Two lots were purchased, site on which the current building sits, for $275.00 and the church was organized on a pile of lumber out front. 


The faithful members, Sister Sarah Douglas (first church secretary), Sisters Laura Lightford and Carrie Garth, Mothers Druella Ewing and Mattie Holden, Elder Sylvester Garth, and Pastor Douglas began to build a frame church that would seat 126 people. The congregation soon grew and another building was needed. A second building was constructed, a 2,700 square foot blockhouse with a seating capacity of 200.


After the Lord called Elder Douglas home in 1976, Elder Sammie Milton, assistant Pastor, served the church until Elder A.C. Mastin was elected as the church’s second Pastor. Elder Mastin served as pastor from 1976-1989. In 1988 Elder Mastin was involved in a car accident and Elder Robert L. Rogers, Sr. came to aid the church in the pastor’s absence.  Upon Elder Mastin’s passing, Elder Rogers was elected as the third Pastor of Douglas Tabernacle in 1989. 


Following the leadership of the Holy Spirit, Pastor Rogers stepped out on faith and lead the church through several renovations:  in 1991 the congregation sold $200,000 in bonds and contributed over $60,000 from the church’s account to construct a new sanctuary. The new sanctuary was completed in 1992 and included a Pastor’s Study, Secretary’s Office, a Baptismal Pool, and seats approximately 350 people. The congregation also purchased several lots near the church, believing God would continue to bless the church both physically and spiritually, and add to the church as He sees fit. 


In early 1998, the Holy Spirit led Pastor Rogers to form a committee to renovate the fellowship hall. 


The Anderson Douglas Fellowship Hall was dedicated to the Lord on the 5th Sunday in November (29) 1998.  On November 27, 2005 the church held a mortgage burning ceremony for the fellowship hall renovation.


In 2009, the Douglas Tabernacle sanctuary and fellowship hall undertook another renovation. The project was completed and on January 17, 2010, celebrated with a dedication service. A mortgage burning for this renovation was held on December 2, 2018.


Pastor Rogers transitioned from time to eternity on August 12, 2018, and Elder Richmond “Noonbay” Malone, Associate Pastor, faithfully held the pulpit through August 2019.  


On August 7, 2019, Elder Dr. Mario D. Ford was elected to serve as the fourth Pastor of Douglas Tabernacle. Elder Ford began serving on September 1, 2019 and was officially installed on September 29, 2019.


To God Be the Glory for the Things He Has Done and for what He has it store for Douglas Tabernacle as the Journey Continues! 

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